Cuir Mona di Orio

4.03 из 5
(58 отзывов)

Cuir Mona di Orio

Cuir Mona di Orio

Rated 4.03 out of 5 based on 58 customer ratings
(58 customer reviews)

Cuir Mona di Orio for women and men of Mona di Orio

SKU:  7bb68c52b9f2 Perfume Category:  . Fragrance Brand: Notes:  , , , , , .


Opening with a whiff of Gauloise-like smoke it quickly becomes toasted spices and sweet absinthe before the appearance of the leather. Neatly straddling the line between biker and Birkin bag, the leather is almost carnal in its depth. In these days of anodyne scents and trans-fat free lives this is a welcome walk on the wild side that would be wonderful on a man. On a woman? Only one way to put it: Cuir is ruthlessly chic.

Cuir was launched in 2010. The nose behind this fragrance is Mona di Orio.

58 reviews for Cuir Mona di Orio

  1. :

    5 out of 5

    Reminds me of a richer Bel Ami mixed with Yatagan.
    Subtract the celery note of the latter and it’s a perfect mix of the two. I can dig it. 🙂
    Just noticed I posted the exact same review about two years ago. The nose doesn’t lie!

  2. :

    5 out of 5

    Kinda harsh, definitely leather scent with little or no sweetness– nothing suede. The juniper and castoreum are predominate on my skin, and the cardamom–one of my favorite notes in perfume goes more peppery here than sweet, spicy or lemony. The little bit of a lemon note there is from it, provides a brief lift-off before the leather hits. There is a slight whiff of bitter body odor here, not sexy cumin, but as one reviewer said, reminiscent of “dirty bong water” added to a bit of bitter dried armpit/sweat. It’s a pass for me, but might work for someone. This leather is austere the way a Chanel might be, not a sexy leather, but a buttressed up, legs-crossed leather, despite that bitter sweat note.

  3. :

    3 out of 5

    From the notes, I thought I would like this. I get smoky leather and juniper. It’s too smoky, even for me, but that dries down OK. Still, it’s not quite a success.

  4. :

    3 out of 5

    Call me unrefined, but this perfume immediately reeks of bongwater. I can see the leather in there somewhere, but I can’t get past that awful weed resin smell. Cuir probably makes much more sense in winter, but I don’t think it’s for me.

  5. :

    5 out of 5

    Mona di Orio Cuir is an intense and attention grabbing scent. It opens with the most beautiful blend of cardamom and anise before the powerful, smoky leather dominates. This is not your sweet Tuscan leather! This is a raw and wild leather dry-roasted under the prairie sky. The animalic dryness is tempered gently with juniper and the smoky tobacco-like accord drifts by like a gentle hot summer’s breeze. Cuir is desert dry, loamy and clay-like. A myrrh like sweetness adds to the depth and character of this unique fragrance. Cuir is a powerful performer lasting over 12 hours on my skin with an arm’s length projection. While alluring and feral Mona di Orio Cuir is completely bewitching and splendiferous.

  6. :

    4 out of 5

    I got a sample because I was looking for a chique campfire scent. That it is, but there’s also a heavy ashtray to it. Though I love this cuir, I won’t be wearing it. I don’t want people to think I smoke.

  7. :

    5 out of 5

    I absolutely adore this fragrance.
    It is a mix between different notes of cuir, incense and a hint of vetiver.
    The smell is unique and even if you feel the smokey notes it’s not too heavy but still fresh.
    I’m really impressed about this creation: when you spray for the first 30 minutes you smell so classy.
    After 1 hour the parfum calms down: you can feel also a delicate note of cardamom and rose (they don’t mention this note) .
    It reminds me a little beat Chanel Antaeus but Cuir is more modern and is evolving in a different way.
    You should try this underrated gem.

  8. :

    5 out of 5

    إذا وجدت أن عطر آرسو قد ابتعد بك عن أجواء إنترلوود المفعمة بالجلود والبخور معا.
    فيمكنك الرجوع للوراء قليلا لتنعم بعطر كيور من مونا دو أريو Cuir Mona di Orio
    وذلك لأنه أصدر قبل إنترلوود بعامين.
    وأعتقد أن عطر كيور لم يأخذ حقه من الشهرة التي يستحقها لسببين.
    الأول: هو صدور قنبلة مونا دو أريو “الفانيليا” بعده بعام، وهذا العطر وبجدارة قد خطف الأضواء من جميع إصدارات الدار السابقة له واللاحقة عليه.
    والثاني هو خروج إنترلوود العنيف القوي بعده بعامين.
    لكن على الرغم من هذا كله فعطر كيور لا يجب أن يخفى على هواة العطور، وخاصة محبي نوتة الجلود.
    لأنه قدمها بشكل احترافي لوجود النوتة التابلية “الهيل” الرائعة إلى جواره، ليتلاقى هنا مع عطر آرسو.
    وكذلك فإن إضافة الراتينج لتقوية أمد العطر وإعطاء لمحة بخورية جميلة جعله على مقربة من إنترلوود.
    فكيور بهذا الشكل يمثل محورا لهذا الثلاثي (إنترلوود – كيور – آرسو)
    أما تألق وحرفية مونا في هذا العطر فتكمن في الدفع بفطر الكاستوريوم “Castoreum”: وهو إفراز فطري يخرج من الخروع، ويستخدم لإضفاء رائحة جلدية حيوانية في العطور.
    ليتناغم فطر الكاستوريوم مع نوتة الجلود الصريحة لتشعر وكأن الجلود تتلاعب بك في هذا العطر ذهابا وإيابا صعودا وهبوطا، والأمر لا يعدو هذا التنافس في الظهور بين نوتتي الجلود الصريجة والكاستوريومية معا.

  9. :

    5 out of 5

    Just got my sample of MdO Cuir and Damn! This fragrance here is the shiznit. Opens up as a grassy, vetiver-ish, smoky aroma with some hints of leather. Dry down is amazing. Cuir looses its leather accord after about 2 hours however, it makes up by keeping its smoky integrity. Absolutely sexy! This scent is straight masculine but for some reason, I can see a bold woman pulling this off. If y’all are curious go to a nearby retail store that sells Tom Ford and look for scent called Italian Cypress. I kid you not Italian Cypress and Cuir have similiar dry down. I won’t compare the two because I would have to sniff them side by side. But I can tell you Cuir’s longivity is easily 12+ hours. I get whiffs of it throught the day. You want to make an a great impression, I suggest you try this on next time you go out.

  10. :

    5 out of 5

    Oh my. This one packs a WALLOP. A huge and completely bewitching gust of smoke (delicious woodsmoke for me, none of the ashtray note some people detect and hate), twists of spice, and then a thorough pummelling with some serious, aged, animalesque leather. I too fell in love at first sniff. A beast, in all the best ways – but weirdly, not a beast-mode perfume, see below..
    Like taking a motorbike ride in a beloved leather jacket you’ve had forever, with the inside of your helmet laced with exquisite spices. Only much more pleasurable and less dangerous than that. The intensity of the woodsmoke and the rawness of the leather will probably make this too weird and spiky for many, but it’s seriously beautiful. To my nose it’s never rank or bitter – or overpowering; while the scent is concentrated and full of character, it doesn’t choke you, and the projection is discreet. You could wear it to the office and be thought edgy, but not obnoxious.
    Absolute adoration from me. I only wish it weren’t so dear and the longevity was just a bit stronger – when the whole concept and execution is this bold you don’t want to have to keep reapplying 2-3 times over a day, which I had to do with a tester. Perhaps a proper spray or on clothes it’s more durable.I hope so – and hope I get the chance to find out.
    PS – agree with earlier reviewers saying that it’s at the rougher tougher end of leather – it’s definitely more Bandit than Daim Blond – and that if you like Lonestar Memories you’d like this. (though for the record I find the Mona on a totally different, more sophisticated and classy planet than Knize Ten, eurgh.) fwiw – I’m female and like masculine-skewing niche stuff but not outright manly man man man smells, and to me this one is beyond gender – it’s all about character. Either you will fall for its smoky, reeky, delicious charms or you won’t.

  11. :

    5 out of 5

    So past this winter my discovery has been Mona Di orio Cuir . This is such a masculine raw leather based fragrance and it will cut through winter cold like hot knife does to butter.
    As you spray this fragrance you smell leather with Anise and cardamom is the background and with in few minutes you can smell animalic which i think is castoreum . I have been told this has been reformulated and i think that’s good for these kind of fragrance as that makes them more wearable as older formulation was suppose to be a bomb with projection and very hard to wear.
    I will recommend this fragrance if you love leather and you are looking for something masculine . I think its ideally suited for winter with around 8-10 hours longevity and with decent projection .I also think this fragrance if for people who have tried lot of niche fragrance and have developed nose as it may be too raw for “Normal people “. 9.5/10

  12. :

    4 out of 5

    So I guess this used to be amazing and powerful, but now all I get is a smooth “leather” based off of opoponox (similar to Amouage Interlude, Royal Leather by Killian, and many other modern masculine leathers); the castoreum only peaks out later making it a little more interesting than first appears, then eventually morphs into something closer to Clive C for Men, which is quite sexy, but never reaching its true potential.

  13. :

    4 out of 5

    My review of Cuir from the Les Nombres collection by Mona di Orio. Upon application I immediately noticed a clean herbal aroma from the lavender & juniper pleasantly spiked with spiciness from the cardamom. After the top notes quickly dissipated there was a turpentine note unfolding in the heart that morphed into that all too familiar musty animalic castoreum but it wasn’t offensive at all just well crafted balance. About an hour later the base notes were fully developed with opoponax resin hugging the castoreum notes, softening the mustiness in the slightest way. This is supposed to be a leather scent – and I do smell leather but what I get is a loyal companion or lover who’s been by your side before when you unleashed the wildest desires in your soul and is now urging you to GO FOR IT. “Blow Up” by Folie a Plusieurs wishes it could be this good.

  14. :

    4 out of 5

    The most difficult perfume I’ve come across so far, is Cuir.
    It took me almost two years to finally fall in love, and at least 2 dozen tries. But once you get it, it is one of the most beautifully brutal leathers.
    Cuir has a few notes and a lot of twists and turns. It’s, in a nutshell, the most animalic smoky leather around in contemporary form*.
    If you’ve ever smelled Gauloises this is the opening; disgusting to many, the smell of cigarette smoke dominates the first half hour. It’s a smoke curtain that doesn’t allow you to see through, you have to walk past it in order to get through the development of the heart notes. There, you get punched by castoreum and leather done in the old fashioned way.
    This ain’t your average soft leather bag, or smooth suede. This is worn leather, left in the sun to cure, steeped in spices and animal fat. Isobutyl quinolene to the max. This is what Germaine Cellier would have liked, had she been around today in this sanitized environment with IFRA restricting everything. This is what Marlene would be wearing, maybe layered with a heady floral.
    As unpleasant it may sound, or not depending on your mileage, Cuir is a true interpretation of a badass leather. It could have been called Bandit and it wouldn’t feel wrong. If and when you get past the opening smoke screen, the rest of the path is full of animalics, leather, and some opoponax to cut through the brutalism. There’s an underlying sweetness after the first couple of hours that softens the scent and makes it much more inviting. It lasts linearly in this stage until the drydown after a good 10 hours, still projecting quite well. Mona had a lot of talent, unfortunately many were late to the party. A real stunner!
    *Having tested old and new 75 ml bottles, Cuir has been toned down quite a bit. While the perfume smells identical, all of them actually not just Cuir, the boldness of the original release is missing. Still amazing, but just like Mona, there’s something missing. Review based on original formulation/bottle.

  15. :

    5 out of 5

    sadly the smell in this new 75ml bottle is very lighter than the previous one and a lot more smokier, still good but not as it was in the 100ml bottle before.
    Before it was ok but now it’s overpriced.

  16. :

    3 out of 5

    This one is a bit of a shape-shifter on my skin. Yesterday it was Yatagan, today burned Bel Ami.
    RIP to one of the greats.

  17. :

    5 out of 5

    Smells like Yatagan after being thrown into a fireplace

  18. :

    5 out of 5

    This was my beloved leather based fragrance…
    First time I’ve sniffed Cuir in late 2013. Love from the first sniff. Let me invite you to my journey…
    Bold, raw, animalistic leather, so bold, that you can almost feel that it was alive few moments ago, with all its secretions… It opened up with dirty castoreum, suddenly the leather came in and started to play with it. Animalic, realistic combo – not for the faint hearted. For men only? Well, I would argue with that. A “tough”, firm woman could surely pull it off. Almost one day longevity and very big (on me over 8 hours easily) sillage. That was a masterpiece written with capital M. A jewell.
    Few months back I saw a 75 ml (2,5 fl oz) bottle. I took a sample. Damn, it’s not the same fragrance anymore. It seems to be very herbaceous, toned down on animalistic notes and leather and not in your face anymore. If 1 spray of previous version was more than enough, with this one you could pull the trigger 3 times easy and you wouldn’t kill anyone. Of course, every single note is there, so I wouldn’t suggest spraying this more than 5 times, because either you would choke out or you could make choke out someone standing near you.
    However, it’s not worth the price anymore.
    So sad. Mona di Orio passed away in 2011. Cuir died in 2016 – at least for me.

  19. :

    3 out of 5

    Leather+ smoke+ woods= LOVE, for me anyway! Cuir has all these things and more.
    It’s a strong one but indeed unisex, it’s silage and longevity are excellent.
    Its quite a sexy scent and I kind of feel like the cowgirl to Tauer’s Lonestar memories cowboy! I smell the funkiness of the horse, the thick, leathery smell of the saddle and the smoky campfire as I’m cocooned in my cowboy’s arms that still carry a waft of cigarettes.
    It’s different and not for the faint hearted but one hell of a ride 🙂

  20. :

    5 out of 5

    Cuir – Les Nombres D’Or
    Perfume has no gender, I am a woman, I wear this. Oof, this is so sexy and relentless!
    Cuir is my favorite from the house of the late Mona di Orio.
    The first spray is a spicy citrus, cardamom accord. The top notes lingers for a long time on my skin. I like the tinge of green herbal juniper. The tobacco is very delicate. I wish to have more of the tobacco, it would be really nice to have along with the leather and casteroreum notes. The leather comes through on my skin, it is hot, dry, tar-like unyielding leather. The leather is accompanied by the skanky, heavy casteroreum. The anise is very soft and noticeable. The opoponax is very delicate surrounding the leather.
    I sprayed Cuir on my wrists this morning and can still smell it nose to wrist.

  21. :

    3 out of 5

    This fragrance is very difficult to digest and thus play first smell and can smell you a dirty ashtray if you look without giving a margin of days of use, and in addition to proper interpretation. Cuir has nothing to do with a simple smell of smoked leather, develops as a whole and makes it a much more interesting and unusual fragrance.
    Cuir is a tremendous job, so complicated that is clear and walks straddling a dark green moss path tonal smoke input from the beautiful wood Cade and the brink of an animal leather for the powerful contribution that Castoreum It feels very wild in true retro style of some eighties mythical fragrances, this duality is not defined well but it is certainly beautiful, giving a stroke of different, unusual and postmodern effect leathers we are used to smell, and this makes in a unique aroma, and incredibly refined masterpiece.
    Tops drydown opopanax the important contribution of rounding, balances and modulates animal smoked more pleasant feeling especially vital, tender and pleasant, like a story with a happy ending.
    Cuir is Brutal !!
    Rating: 9

  22. :

    5 out of 5

    Okay, so imagine it’s night and you’re driving on I-80 through western Wyoming. In the moonlight you see an angular shape off the side of the highway. You turn off on a dry, dusty dirt road toward the shape. It’s an old barn, the wood gray and cracked, surrounded by sage brush. You grab your flashlight for a peek inside. Moving the heavy wooden doors, you see dust covered horse stalls, with ancient saddles, reins, and whips on the walls.
    You go back to the car and grab the spare gas can from the trunk. Back inside the barn, you douse the old saddles and stalls with the gasoline. You strike a match.
    The flames catch on the dry wood and the whole barn is quickly engulfed. “Cuir” is the scent snapshot of you walking away, in slow motion, backlit by the burning barn.

  23. :

    3 out of 5

    Scrubber. At first I thought maybe it would work for my partner, but it’s not nice for anybody. I agree with the reviewer who called this an ashtray scent. Not me, and I hope not anyone around me. Sorry, but I can’t sugar coat it.

  24. :

    3 out of 5

    Oh my. Possibly the Holy Grail leather of those who enjoy smoky scents. I’m surprised some reviewers don’t smell any leather while to me it’s all leather with just enough accompanying notes -which I won’t pretend to be able to identify- to make it unlike any leather scent I’ve ever come across. The blend is seriously smoky, almost burnt, edgy, rich, strong, and totally addictive. I’m aching for a bottle.

  25. :

    3 out of 5

    I suspect I had been a leather tanner or a shepherd in my past life! Because despite most of you, nothing harsh to my nose exists in this composition.
    Cuir is an aromatic leathery fragrance that is very soft, clean and wearable for me. I don’t get smoky notes, only a hint of ash. Sweet myrrh and cardamom make this tame animalic juice a soapy clean scent.
    This isn’t so wild and dirty, but not for the beginners at all.

  26. :

    3 out of 5

    I got a heavy dose of ashtray right up front that was gross. It mellowed out in 10 minutes and leaves the most breathtaking skank I have encountered. I typically will immediately wash off skanky perfumes, but I could not today as I rushed out the door. This leather is very animalic and intense for this, but in a very good way. I am very pleased however my wife avoided me.

  27. :

    5 out of 5

    MdO has pulled off something hugely bold, dense and complex with CUIR.
    CUIR opens with a complex hit of very strong castoreum and smoky bitter green notes. Soon the castoreum fades and a smoky burnt ash comes to the front; this is not tobacco or incense, this is burnt leather and it’s pronounced. This smoky, burnt leather hangs as spices (cardamom and juniper) join the mix and CUIR settles quite animalistic and resinously.
    The leather note in CUIR is of working leather to my nose; a blacksmith’s singed leather apron. Given that my cuir of choice is Chanel’s Cuir de Russie, MdO’s CUIR is confronting – very in your face and dirty.
    CUIR is polarizing. Potent, very masculine and suited solely to cool weather. It is a longevity and sillage monster.

  28. :

    4 out of 5

    Castoreum smells like sweaty leather pants. I don’t own or even like leather pants. I probably wouldn’t be your friend if you wore leather pants. Especially if you never washed them. However, castoreum is one of my favorite notes. WEIRD.
    So here we have salty/mineral castoreum, tarry leather and a Boodles martini (bitter).
    I smell aniseed liquer. Is that absinth? I don’t know as I’ve never felt any desire to try it. It seems so cosplay / steampunk.
    Animalic, but in an aloof, industrial sort of way. Cuir lacks any human warmth.
    I am strongly reminded of Gres Cabocard & Bandit. Both deliver a similar effect at a much lower price.
    Mona di Orio does look super classy though.

  29. :

    3 out of 5

    Black Cardamom the opening. The smoky big seed of the most known cardamom. Almost disturbing with that barbecue sauce smell. But after an half an hour the smokes get thins and the composition turns into a green sweet leather fragrance. Very serious, a stony great fragrance.

  30. :

    4 out of 5

    I fell in love with Cuir straight after first sniff.
    This has everything I’m searching in a fragrance – boldness, uniqueness, complexity. Yes, it’s not an easy to wear fragrance. It’s dense and complex.
    Right off the bat I get big castoreum punch. It’s strong and has to be applied wisely – max 2 sprays on the neck. Later on smoke and leather join the castoreum. Although there’s no incence nor myrrhe in here, I do feel smoke. A lot of it. Then spices join in and it stays animalistic-leathery-smoky right untill the end.
    Longevity is 16 hours on my skin. Sillage is huge.
    Too bad Mona passed away, I’d like her to make more such fragrances.
    Masterpiece and a must have for me.

  31. :

    5 out of 5

    This is perfume not cologne. It has a depth and richness, and OMG is it potent. A little dab’ll do you.
    The first time I wore it, it wore me. The ‘bubble’ and sillage was overwhelming. I had just used too much. One spray or maybe two half sprays will be enough for most people.
    It is definitely at the more masculine end of the spectrum, although I am sure some women could wear it. A woman who likes wearing Andy Tauer’s Lonestar Memories could wear this.
    There’s ‘something’ deep in the base, which I guess in this fragrance is the castoreum. It’s not obviously and overtly animalic but there is a little funk that contibutes to the base accord
    It is about an accord of sweet strong cardamon, maybe sharpened by wormwood yet softened by opopinax, and on top of a very powerful accord of smokey cade oil and juniper with castoreum.
    It is at the stronger end of the range of ‘leather’ fragrances like Lonestar Memories or Knize Ten, not the softer ‘suede’ end or floral leathers.
    I don’t get the ‘ashtray’ or cigarettes feel about it that some have mentioned. Others have mentioned tobacco, but the tobacco based fragrances I have experienced have always been much more honeyed than this. But it does have that whole smokey thing going on from the cade oil
    It is better suited to cooler weather, I would not try it in high heat.
    It will be polarisng and it’s definitely a try before you buy. However, the more times I have worn it, the more I have grown to appreciate it

  32. :

    3 out of 5

    one of the most powerful perfumes i’ve ever witnessed, i didn’t like it for days or maybe even weeks, but then i got it.
    it’s very masculine and quite unique.
    although it’s called cuir but i didn’t sense the leather in it. and it doesn’t fit all tastes so you better test it before so you either will love it or hate it.
    i sprayed it once on my anti’s wrest (her type of perfumes are frutti and candies sometime – thierry mugler angel the original, prescriptive calyx, etc..)
    so she almost threw up on me 😀
    so again, test it and NEVER blind buy it.

  33. :

    3 out of 5

    I rather like this scent, although I only just tried it today. After about an hour I got the notion that I should try layering it with Le Labo’s Vetiver 46. I’m very pleased with the results.

  34. :

    4 out of 5

    This is extreme smoke and a hint of leather. Pretty linear throughout and VERY strong.

  35. :

    4 out of 5

    Cigarette Ashtray, with a sweet note. I did not liked it, But my wife for some reason liked it. ))

  36. :

    5 out of 5

    Smells like smoke from a burning wood, like ashtray. I’ll pass

  37. :

    5 out of 5

    I don’t perceive Cuir as a leather perfume. To my nose it’s a very direct rendition of cigar ash. Not the tobacco leaves of a cigar, but just the ash, still smoldering down in an ashtray. This dry accord never goes away, and by the time the basenotes arrive, I’m worn out by the relentless ash smell of the opening. I’m a big fan of leather and tobacco scents, but this didn’t work for me at all.

  38. :

    4 out of 5

    Oh boy, some people are really going to hate me for this lol i will try my best to be postive and give my personal opinion or “review on this
    Well a niche is a niche right ? i mean its all about pure quality right ? well this is pure all right so pure i will tell you how it smells like. Get a sweaty monkey who smokes a marlboro red and get a cardamom, shove that cardamom up that monkey’s @$$, then grab his butt cheeks, pull it close to your nose and SNIFFFFFF IT !!! thats what i get out of mona do orio cuir a smokin monkey @$$ who have a thing for cardamom.
    Is it quality ? yes ofcourse its mona di orio
    i still love mona di orio but not cuir thank god i got a sample next time im going to the zoo im going to give that sample to a monkey im sure its going to remind him about his good ol kinky days messing around with a cardamom

  39. :

    3 out of 5

    Not what I was looking for. Oscar De La Renta’s pepper plus some leather. Its good, I just don’t like it.

  40. :

    3 out of 5

    I tried this one today and fell instantly in love! I was so sure that there was tobacco in it though. On me it is a sharp herbal leather together with what smells like dry tobacco. The drydown is more spicy and the leather/tobacco fades in favor of smooth woody herbals. I can’t really smell any castoreum or opoponax on me. This one goes on my full bottle want list!

  41. :

    4 out of 5

    At the opening I feel a smoky nuance, green, dense and bitter, as if a tobacco plantation, with the leaves still green were on fire. After half an hour add this bitter tone, and starts to develop into a resinous tone, leathery, animalic, medium hot.
    As the hours go by the smell Animalic will soften, and what remains is an aroma of warm leather slightly sweet, yet smoky. In this part, I can only think of a glove made with a freshly tanned leather, scented with incense and resins to minimize the stench of the animal, but even then you can still smell characteristic of freshly tanned leather. Who used this glove, smoked a pipe, lit a smoke with the best possible quality.
    In a few words, exotic, potent, delicious. Monster in fixing and projection.

  42. :

    4 out of 5

    In a word, potent :S
    For those planning to sample this on a test-strip, keep it (far) away from your other strips!
    All those stored in close proximity to Cuir are likely to be overpowered… Several of mine were no longer recognizable 😀

  43. :

    4 out of 5

    Very interesting perfume but not for me to wear. This fragrance introduced me to juniper tar or cade oil note. Opening is all about it. This note is quite different than scent of birch tar – no so bitter, chemical and tarry, but rather smoke from burning wet leaves. There is still some woodsiness remaining. After some times all that smokyness disappears Cuir is getting more sweet, resinus and finally animallic. I was confused with this last stage, at first I couldn’t understand why my body was smelling so weird and where I knew this smell from. After a while it came to my mind that that smell came from my wrist. I also recalled that this animallic leathery smell reminded odour of a sweaty saddle-cloth and an old millitary saddle I had been using during my horse riding time. I like it brings memory from childhood, but I don’t feel like smelling like a saddle-cloth 😀

  44. :

    5 out of 5

    Leather, leather, leather and a bit of smoke at the beginning. Something in here that is a bit sharp in the nose, perhaps the wormwood. And animalic too. One of the best leathers out there.

  45. :

    3 out of 5

    if you smoke this will blend nicely with you natural sent. I actually hated it in the bottle, but I like it on my skin.

  46. :

    3 out of 5

    the smell of leather here is very nice and
    attractive,i can’t say it’s unique.
    seldom to find such this fragrance with a sharp of leather smell.

  47. :

    4 out of 5

    Bloody Hell! What a macabre scent this is. Lots of burned stuff. Very realistically done. Only sexy if you imagine a dirty, sweaty fireman who is just done extinguishing fires at cedar woods, old churches and a whore house.. No there’s no resisting then but otherwise :-/ I don’t know whenever you would wear it. If you’re looking for a scent like this you might want to try Epic Man by Amouage which goes in the same direction but seems more wearable.

  48. :

    4 out of 5

    Got an unsolicited sample of this from LuckyScent with my Knize Ten. It’s awful. Try a side by side comparison with Knize or Bandit or Cuir de Russie and the crudeness is undeniable. Like liver-melting, brain-vaporizing poppers in a hot tub in the San Fernando Valley on break while making porn.

  49. :

    5 out of 5

    Decadent and delightful in its novel use of the notes listed above, it is hard to adapt to daily life because of its resemblance to an ashtray that has had thousands of cigarettes crushed into its center. It comes across as a more legible rendition of leather than Knize Ten, taking its character and improving on it.

  50. :

    3 out of 5

    Nicotine over woods or tobacco over someone else’s cologne.
    A woodsman’s wool shirt filled with mesquite smoke from grilling meat or a CEO that sat in too many board meetings that day with people chain smoking around him ,over riding his personal cologne.
    I would like to add that this is the first fragrance where I can actually smell cigarette smoke in it.
    There is a sweet undertone beneath everything but I cannot figure out what note it is.
    The sillage is decent when sitting at a desk but I am only 30 minutes into wearing it.
    This one is a sleeper. There is something about it that interests me.

  51. :

    4 out of 5

    I’ve to be honest, I expected something more challenging. This is just to say that Cuir is not as scary as it may sound. It opens with a bold smoky accord of nicotine (tobacco) and cardamom surrounded by an overall woody, sort of piney vibe. Yes, it’s definitely smoky but nowhere close to the suffocating foghorn of, say, Lonestar Memories or Patchouli 24 (which I thoroughly enjoy BTW). During the inital phases, Cuir resembles more of light cigarette smoke paired with dark green notes while a sort of anisic presence, probably provided by the absynth, adds a nice twist.
    It then quickly evolves into pure, warm castoreum. Once the animalic leatheraccord sets in, Cuir stays pretty linear for 4-5 hours to then completely disappear from skin. Very nice.
    Downside: It didn’t project how I expected. Somewhat short-lived.
    Rating: 7.5/10

  52. :

    5 out of 5

    In searching for a great leather scent I thought this might really be a big contender…I was wrong. This takes the dirty dark leather thing into a land of charred wood. I have nothing against charred wood, I used to use cade oil when I was doing my own natural perfume but I didn’t want to smell it in this perfume. Too bad. Complex and long lasting but very “burnt” smelling.

  53. :

    3 out of 5

    This perfume attempts to storm the citadel of “leather” from an oblique angle, through smoky and at times eerie terrain reminiscent of the infernal landscapes of Bosch and Bruegel.
    When the initial smoke clears, eventually, it reveals aromas of burnt wood, peat, myrrh and, yes, even a dry leather.
    An interesting, distinctive, perfume! The product of a perfumer chasing a vision, not a perfume company chasing a market niche.

  54. :

    3 out of 5

    It is really one of my favorite perfumes. Such a deep smoky leather, calm, confident and thought-provoking. Very masculine and not in the least aggressive. And one more positive aspect – this Cuir doesn’t remind of any other fragrance, which is rather unusual nowadays.

  55. :

    5 out of 5

    Dark, dry leather and forest floor at the onset, but that impression dries down to burnt wood and dry leather, ending up as a definite incense scent, of the cold dry variety usually found in the Comme des Garcons series. Interesting and well crafted, it’s not a warm cuddly incense by any means, nor it is a rich creamy leather, but something of a combination of aged leather and powdered burnt wood, in a good way. A definite attitude fragrance.

  56. :

    5 out of 5

    I wanted to try some mona di orio creations after I had known of her sudden death. So today I tried oud and cuir. What a great nose she was. Rich original classy. In particular I appreciate cuir. I think it’s the cardamon that intrigues me so much. A cold cuir at the beginning that gets warmer during the day. Wanderful.

  57. :

    4 out of 5

    Cuir smells exactly like my grandpa’s garage: gasoline, oil, dust, cigarettes and god knows what. And since my grandpa spends most of his time in his garage, he usually smells the same: bitter, dusty and smokey.
    The combination of all these scents could be interpreted as “leather”, but to me it is the true reincarnation my grandpa’s garage smell… 😉
    P.S. I do not hate this perfume; however, I am not sure I would want to smell like that (but who knows?). It’s just the scent of dusty-smokey-bitter cologne leftover is not exactly appealing to my nose. On the other hand, it has some weird charm))

  58. :

    3 out of 5

    Who is looking for Leather,pheraps should search elsewhere.
    I think the pyramid listed here is incomplete or wrong.
    What I get is hay,vetiver and an impression of leather,but a faint one and a lot of Castoreum.
    Maybe someone could be charmed,bu

Cuir Mona di Orio

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