The Nightingale And The Rose 夜莺与玫瑰 RE CLASSIFIED RE调香室

The Nightingale And The Rose 夜莺与玫瑰 RE CLASSIFIED RE调香室

The Nightingale And The Rose 夜莺与玫瑰 RE CLASSIFIED RE调香室

The Nightingale And The Rose 夜莺与玫瑰 RE CLASSIFIED RE调香室 for women and men of RE CLASSIFIED RE调香室

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This is Oscar Wilde’s classic fable that speaks of the sacrificial and selfish duality of about love. A Student yearned for a dance with the girl he loved. The girl agreed to the dance, on the condition that he brought her a red rose. The Student looked for a red rose everywhere in the garden but could not find any. He broke down in hopeless tears. The Nightingale heard the Student’s cries and was determined to help him fulfill his dream of a dance with his true love. The only way to get a red rose was to build it out of music under the moonlight and stain it with the crimson heart’s blood of a nightingale.

As night fell and the Moon shone in the sky, the Nightingale started singing with her breast against the thorn. She sang and sang, louder grew her song, and deeper pierced the thorn in her chest as her life-blood ebbed away from her. Finally, the rose blossomed into a brilliant red, at the cost of the little Nightingale that lay dead with a thorn in her heart.

The next day, the Student discovered the most beautiful red rose and gave it to the girl he loved. But she now loved another man who gave her precious jewels instead. Disillusioned and angry, the Student threw the red rose into a gutter and a cart’s wheel crushed the beautiful flower. The Student stopped believing in love.

The Nightingale’s last words to the Student was, All that I ask of you in return is that you will be a true lover, for Love is wiser than Philosophy, though she is wise, and mightier than Power, though he is mighty. The Nightingale And The Rose 夜莺与玫瑰 was launched in 2014.


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