Boadicea Nemer is a fragrance of passion and freedom. It is based on Tigerwood, which is obtained when wood corn is changed by striking the wood, which causes pattern like tiger stripes to appear. Nemer is actually Arabic word for tiger, so the name is very appropriate for a scent based on this ingredient. Tigerwood is distilled and turned into liquid state.
The fragrance opens with floral notes of Turkish and Moroccan rose, jasmine absolute and saffron. Precious tigerwood is joined with Indonesian patchouli in the heart, while the base closes with aromas of sandalwood and patchouli. The fragrance is a perfect blend of traditional essential oils which mix together to give a beautiful, creamy scent.
Boadicea Nemer was launched in 2012. The nose behind this fragrance is Christian Provenzano.
вадимов – :
لازلت محتار مع هذا العطر
رغم جماليته الواضحه جدا ونقاوته والابداع في التركيبه
الا انني لم اتمكن من الفصل في اقتنائه
العينه لازالت لدي
وسأجربه مرة اخرى
لكن بلا ادنى شك ان هذه الدار وامثالها
تصنع عطور من عالم اخر لا يعرفه صناع عطور الديزاينر واهل الموضه
bzhu-k – :
Very nice perfume from Boadicea, which evolves around rose, Oud, saffron and sandalwood. I can’t say it’s unique but it smells of excellent quality.
Deidara_Tsukuri – :
Nemer is for people who prefer unconventional solutions and choices. It doesn’t try to please you from the start, but shows the strongest parts of itself. And I do not believe that strangers will rush to compliment your fragrance.
Camphoric herbal starter, blame cypriol with lemongrass if you are faint-hearted, that rolls into patch with tigerwood and only in the middle way, like behind the secret gate, you meet that bright rich rose that blooms. It is like having an adventure towards the aim.
It reminds more of skillful essential oils blend for massage in exotic country. I totally loving it from start to finish, but I Am an aromatherapy junkie, it worth trying for perfume amateurs in niche section, yet not for everyone. Nemer triggers the interest and holds attention, leaving lots of unanswered questions.
zefspoppy – :
One of the prides and joys of my perfume collection and quite probably one of the most beautiful fragrances in the world today is this stunning beauty by Boadicea the Victorious. The mixing of sandalwood, jasmine, saffron, Turkish rose with precious Tiger Oud yields a liquid that is completely divine. This is showcased in a gorgeous bottle with gold plated accents, and encased in a leather box. Perfume has never been more luxurious, and I am so glad to have acquired this phenomenal beauty for a fraction of its retail price. A masterpiece!
Anel – :
for anyone interested-universal perfumes in kuwait does a spot on perfect oil of this-pure perfume oil-concentrated….it costs 3ml/$6 USD and goes up in size-up to 1.7 ounces for $40 USD-shipping around $6 worldwide…..
mensAFpolop – :
تحفه ولا استطيع وصفه
ينطبق عليه المثل
يدلك على الخيل اثمانها
ekm980intitytek – :
@Chanakya It is funny what you say about clothing store. Because whenever I go to my Niche store to get a few samples of Nemer I always say that it reminds me of an expensive department store. I think it includes that A/C the clothes and possibly leather goods, not sure but I totally make that connection too. I have come very close to buying a FB and I might still. I just wish it was closer to five hundred instead of nine hundred.
peresdenis – :
I absolutely love this one! For some reason this brings back memories of my childhood when i would walk into a brand new clothing store in a posh mall and the waft of new clothes mixed with the cool A/C air would caress you as you open the door and enter into the store. It’s pretty strange that I get this connection, but i sure as hell do! 🙂 whatever it is, I’m loving it. does anyone know of a place where they sell smaller sized decants of it? The only place that i found online sells only tiny vials other than the 100ML bottle (USD 850) and they limit to 2 vials every order. so, it’s a killer combined with postage from US to Australia! 🙂 Or anyone who’s had enough of this and wishing to sell theirs at an affordable price? 😀
Beeklymaymncywdc – :
Charming fragrance,luxurious,almost decadent. Powerful and majestic, perfectly unisex. The union of Turkish and Moroccan rose is sublime, gives an enchanting and evocative trail. The sillage is strong, just a few drops, longevity is extraordinary (20 + h). Definitely among the best of Boadicea… it is fantastic!
Sillage: 9./10
Longevity: 10./10
Scent: 9./10
Overall: 9.5/10
vishomevideo – :
After testing a sample of Nemer, no question this is a quality fragrance that lasts forever. It’s tough to describe what I’m smelling because it very unique. I do get a bit of that medicinal vibe but that dissipates fairly quickly and then I start to sense the rose and woods. What I’m most amazed by is that this is, to my nose, exactly like Kings Road. Very difficult to detect the difference. And Kings Road is 1/2 the price.
likortaka – :
نمر فاخر جداً
اجواء العطر تصلح للمناسبات الخاصة ثبات وفوحان كفخامته
Кекс – :
مرحبا بك من جديد أيها ال “ملل”
ألا ترى أنك أصبحت تكثر من زيارتي هذه الأيام
ألم تسمع من قبل بهذه الكلمات “زر غبا تزدد حبا”
ولكني أعلم أن الأمر لا يهمك، فأنت على يقين من أنني لن أحبك حتى لو فارقتني للأبد
من يعرفني جيدا يستطيع بسهولة أن يشم رائحة الملل بمجرد دخوله إلى غرفة مكتبي.
كل شيء مبعثر بعناية ودقة تامة..
الأوراق، الكتب، الأقلام، زجاجات وعينات العطور المتناثرة هنا وهناك.
في مثل هذه الحالة تبدو لي العطور وكأنها شيئا واحدا .. ليلتقي الملل بالضجر في مكان ما بداخلي.
هناك من يهربون من هذه الحالة باللجوء إلى النوم.
أما أنا فلا .. فغالبا ما أرى نفس الأحلام كل ليلة..
فقط أنام عندما ينفد رصيد الطاقة بداخلي ويصل المؤشر لعلامة الصفر.
حسنا ها قد وصلنا.. تصبحين على خير يا نفسي.. أحلام ملولة
لا أعرف متي تبدأ الأحلام خلال فترة النوم؟؟
قرأت مرة أنها قد لا تستغرق بضعة دقائق وربما جزء من الدقيقة مهما كثرت الأحداث.
يبدو أننا بدأنا سريعا هذه المرة .. ما هذا الممر الطويل !!!
ألا يوجد مخرج؟ يبدو أنه لا مفر من الاستمرار في السير حتى نهايته!! ليته ينتهي.
ها قد وصلت إلى نهايته ولكنها للأسف نهاية بلا مخرج مجرد حوائط تحيطني من جميع الجهات..
هل يجب الآن أن أعود إلى الوراء؟ أم تراه الأفضل أن أمكث في مكاني؟
وبعفوية وجدتني استجمع قبضة يدي لأضرب بها هذه الحوائط لتتلاشى واحدا بعد الآخر بمجرد ملامستي لها
ما هذا الذي أراه!! أيعقل أن هذا الممر الوهمي كان داخل هذه الواحة الأسيوية الرائعة طوال الوقت دون أن أدري.
كثيرا ما رأيت صورا لشجيرات العود ولكم تمنيت أن أراها في الحقيقة.
ولكني لم أتوقع أن تحيطني من كل جانب على هذا النحو البديع.
ولكنها ليست كما اعتدت أن أراها إن السيقان حتما لشجيرات العود الداكنة أما الأفرع فهي من أخشاب الصندل الميسوري فاتحة اللون، وقد خرجت من براعمها ورود تركية ومغربية وربما بلغارية أيضا كبيرة الحجم تتساقط من بتلاتها قطرات الندى المتلاحقة لتتسابق أعواد الزعفران الإسباني الكثيفة في التقاطها قبل أن تصل إلى الباتشولي الذي تناثرت أوراقه القليلة الظامئة المنهكة طريحة الأرض ترقب مهارة الزعفران في التقاط قطرات الندى بيأس تام.
ومن دون أية مقدمات تقبل الرياح من جميع الاتجاهات محملة بأوراق الياسمين البيضاء الدافئة.
الذي ما أن يقترب من المكان حتى يبدأ في إحاطته بحركة دائرية بروانية ليتداخل كل ما هو موجود بالمكان من حولي
سيقان العود – فروع الصندل – الورود – الزعفران – بقايا الباتشولي
لتبدو الأخشاب الداكنة والبيضاء في وجود حمرة الزعفران والوردو وكأنها خطوط متوازية
وتتسارع الحركة مع الوقت فتزداد الخطوط المتباينة وضوحا وتبدأ في الاتساق
وفجأة تعم المكان صرخة أشبه بالضرضرة
التي توقفت لها حركة هذا المزيج لينفرج المشهد عن “نمر” كبير في أوج قوته.
وتمتد يداي بعفوية مدهشة للإمساك بهذا النمر قبل فراره
وما أن تقترب منه راحتي يدي حتى أجد بينهما زجاجة
Boadicea Nemer Boadicea the Victorious for women and men
Вова1964 – :
has anyone smelled pure tigerwood oud and knows how this compares? i’m enjoying it but can’t quite make up my mind.
Rulya1976 – :
This is a funny old juice. It’s very hard to describe. I can see why people might consider it creamy, but to my nose that’s the last way I’d describe it. It’s more medicinal than creamy, with a supporting act of smokey, and a side order of oud and unfamiliar flowers. It smells completely different on different people, which might be to do with the volume of natural ingredients. It’s definitely a powerful scent, and also has an air of cruelty about it. This fragrance will command respect and the quality of the ingredients is evident, but it isn’t very friendly nor very sexy. I can see why a previous reviewer was drawn to the industrial cleaner analogy, perhaps due to the density of this juice coupled with the medicinal oud which definitely has an air of the Dettol about it. Which isn’t repulsive, rather: compelling. This isn’t recommended for a blind buy. I only got it because I saw it on ebay for a deal too good to pass by, but have learned to curb that impulse, as even though a steal at that price and the juice is top notch and from one of my favourite houses, it isn’t something I find myself often craving. Though that said, perhaps more so than many of my others as the bottle is already half empty, mostly used on trying to understand it (or impose it upon my couch cushions) than enjoy it on my own skin. You might just love this one, it’s enigmatic and refined, and both exotic and in a way quite traditional. (By the way I don’t detect the patchouli myself). But I find it quite linear, with an overwhelming song and dance at the beginning which quickly fades into a hum. A nice hum, but not an especially catchy or avant guard tune – familiar but a bit perculiar like hearing ABBA played on the steel drums, or ‘Oh Say Can You See’ on a Sitar. Smells great on upholstery, though blimey what an extravagance.
20Gemini10 – :
Boadicea the Victorious NEMER
Here we have a beautiful opening of bitter and sweet roses, like a floral liqueur full of resins.
Sandalwood appears immediately showing an indian sandalwood facet, the same way i get on Dries Van Noten FM, but creamier and softer.
I thought the agarwood here would have a main place but it does not. The oudh here is a different and unique kind of and hard to find. It must be a softer and smoother one as i get only a warm woody note but it is so good and lasts a lot on skin, so natural and a little bit dry and delicate.
A nice fragrance… I would expect more from the usage of agarwood here (i am a huge fan of oudh though, i thought it would be heavier). Very nice. Need a try! Quality as always from Boadicea!
natoGrard – :
This is a weird fragrance the progression of notes seem to go backwards!
The opening is incredibly woody and Oud was the first thing I recognized but it’s overpowered (no mean feat)and literally after a minute or so…Gone! This fragrance then begins to morph completely into a crazed scent which reminds me of public toilets.
Really hate that analogy, it makes me sound like a philistine because this juice is one of the most opulent things I’ve ever smelled but unfortunately it has that eye watering thing of highly concentrated/industrial strength cleaning products. One tiny application and I can tell already this is up there with the strongest perfume I’ve ever got the chance to smell.
It’s not quite the urinal cake of Amouage Ciel man it’s actually bearable. I get the rose aroma but it’s very unconventional more like Turkish delight!
Seriously that’s what Nemer smells like and of course I assume they flavour Turkish delight with Turkish roses…so it makes sense.
I know I’m a genius! 🙂
So odd that the woods come on so strong at first and then transition not so subtly into a complete sharp floral bomb! I love saffron and I suspect that’s where the sharpness is coming from, although with so many strong elements in here I couldn’t pick it up for sure and I’m normally very sensitive to saffron.
I thought Tigerwood was a golfer? well no wonder he gets laid so much if he smells this good, the woody element to this fragrance opens strong then sits gentle underneath for the duration of the experience.
I can’t help but admire this fragrance for it’s gutsy approach and I’m positive many fragrance lovers will be bowled over by it, I am but not in the right way. It’s weird because it doesn’t smell of any of the component parts but all at the same time all of them at once…usually the mark of a great composition.
Very high quality ingredients have been used and Nemer is a unique combination but everything is fighting for the limelight to my nose and as such nothing shines.
Update: Oh yes the woods have come back out to play and the drydown is really really nice a such a contrast to that turbulent opening which lasts several hours.
hrs232speagoessenda – :
WOW! Is there something close to it from another brand?PLEASE TELL ME!!! I loved it from the first sniff. So special,wild and different.I get the tigerwood and something citrus/rosy.Not a typical deep OUD one.It is a little bit weird on the first 12 hours, but after that it is pure light rosy love. 580€ is a punch in my face…
Update Review soon…
boxer82 – :
from the notes I was expecting very rosy, woody scent. However, it is very faintly woody, and no rose to speak of. Some jasmine is present.
avganu87 – :
العطر اقتنيته من كم يوم…
والصراحه ما ندمت على شرائه ابد…
عطر مميز وله شخصيته الخاصه.
وينفع للجنسين (رجال – ونساء)